Thursday, July 5, 2007

C++ How To Program - Solution Manual

Solution Manual : Visual C++ How to Program (3rd Edition) by Harvey & Paul Deitel & Associates (Author)Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3rd edition (2001) ISBN-10: 0130895717 577 pages

About this book:In this book, you will master the five key components of C++ as well as four contemporaryprogramming paradigms:1. C procedural programming—Chapters 1–5 and 16–18; key topics include datatypes, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, strings, structures, bit manipulation,character manipulation, preprocessing and others.2. C++ procedural programming enhancements to C—Sections 3.15–3.21; key topicsinclude inline functions, references, default arguments, function overloadingand function templates.3. C++ object-based programming—Chapters 6–8; key topics include abstract datatypes, classes, objects, encapsulation, information hiding, member access control,constructors, destructors, software reusability, constant objects and member functions,composition, friendship, dynamic memory allocation, static members,this pointer and others.4. C++ object-oriented programming—Chapters 9–15, 19 and 21; key topics includebase classes, single inheritance, derived classes, multiple inheritance, virtualfunctions, dynamic binding, polymorphism, pure virtual functions, abstractclasses, concrete classes, stream input/output, class templates, exception handling,file processing, data structures, strings as full-fledged objects, data type bool, castoperators, namespaces, run-time type information (RTTI), explicit constructorsand mutable members.5. C++ generic programming—Chapter 20—the largest chapter in the book; keytopics include the Standard Template Library (STL), templatized containers, sequencecontainers, associative containers, container adaptors, iterators thattraverse templatized containers and algorithms that process the elements of templatizedcontainers.

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